Archimedes Plutonium
2005-05-06 17:44:10 UTC
A friend of mine emailed saying I should do something about the above
website that uses my name, my legal name to promote and advertize
theirwebsite that uses my name, my legal name to promote and advertize
filthy pornography.
Well, I just did a Google search using your name, ArchimedesPlutonium, and the website's URL, and nothing whatsoever came up. I
then reduced it to just the URL and Archimedes. Still nada. So exactly
where on the site is your name found? In what context? Does it mention
you personally? Why are you asking in sci.physics for legal advice?
-Mark Martin
I should have left out both the www above as well as the ttp so as not to
give it anymore undue attention.
Mark-- a Google search for "Archimedes Plutonium" will show a entry six
of a breastcancerrisk website which is a pornography website with my name
in its title.
This is an attempt, I believe of the ultimate peak in libel and slander on
the Internet.
--- quoting the first seven hits of a Google search for Archimedes
Plutonium as of 5 May 2005 ---
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--- end quoting the first seven hits of a Google search for Archimedes
Plutonium as of 5 May 2005 ---
I looked up the word "libel" in the WEBSTER dictionary and it says:
"any false and malicious written or printed staement, or any sign,
picture, or effigy, tending to expose a person to public ridicule, hatred,
or contempt or to injure a person's reputation in any way."
Apparently slander is the spoken form and libel the written form.
I believe the authors of the breastcancerrisk pornography website are
attempting to make the ULtimate High in Libel on the Internet. Person/s
fanning hatred.
There have been libel cases on the Internet set for legal action, so I
hear. So I wonder if this website stands the legal ground of actionable
It is a website with a header of a private citizen with no information of
that private citizen but directs the viewer to a pornography site.
Who is the author and the web host of
This whole episode reminds me of a movie I recently saw on TV titled
"Malice Aforethought" where this English country doctor runs around
killing his wife and gardener and others so that he can carry on his
adulterous love affairs. And this doctor manages to escape his trial for
killing his wife. And I was watching this 2 part movie whilst doing the
washing of dishes and was saying to myself-- ho hum ho hum -- I wasted
time in watching this because it is so dull. But then the last few minutes
of this movie were quite excellent. Excellent because the doctor is free
of killing his wife but then the Scotland Yard charges him with killing of
his mistresses husband for which he gets a death sentence and was innocent
of the death. So what seemed like a waste of 2 hours of TV viewing ended
up as a beaut of a charm.
And I think this Breastcancerrisk website which is a Pornography website
with my name in its title is going to have an ironic ending also.
I suspect that the fanning of hatred by hate mongers such as the author of
this website is the PEAK of LIBEL of Websites. To place the name of some
innocent private citizen into the headers of a Pornography website is the
ultimate peak of libel & slander.
And I am going to contact a lawyer.
Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots
of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies